“Creating a vibrant and welcoming environment for people to spend time in is what keeps them coming back and frames how they relate to it.”
20Chairs is an allegory that illustrates how we help clients. Philosopher Bertrand Russell noticed when you put an object in the center of a room with 20 people seated around it, each person sees it differently depending on their vantage point. Each of these views are equally valid, important… and incomplete by themselves.
That’s where our engagements begin. We start by inviting people to share their workplace perspectives with us, which makes it possible for clients to more fully understand what will attract, retain and satisfy.
We don’t put all the responsibility on our clients to ‘make things better' though. We enroll groups of stakeholders that cooperate to enrich the workplace experience long after our work is done.
Why 20? In cultural anthropology when a group reaches 20 people, it either organizes, or becomes unsustainable and disbands. That’s hard to remember though. If you can remember we ask a lot of questions - like the game 20 Questions - that makes it easier to remember.